What Catholics Believe

Dialogue Masses and the "Correctio" of Bergolio

In this episode, Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele respond to viewer emails about the Dialogue Mass, what it is and why it has been used, particularly by the SSPX. Father also comments on the sports protests going on now, Francis and an article by Dr. Thomas Droleskey, "A "Correction…

Francis, heresy and racism

Father Jenkins discusses the accusations of heresy against Francis, the political actions involving the dubia, the correctio and the cardinals and clergy instigating these things. Father then answers a question from a viewer about racism and political correctness.

The Las Vegas Massacre

Father Jenkins comments on the recent horrific tragedy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Father and Tom talk about the larger causes of what happened including the abortion industry and the general degrading of the value of human life in our society. Ultimately, the question becomes not how can this happen…

Holidays and the return of Barbarism

Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele begin by responding to a question about Columbus Day and recent attempts to rename it "Indigenous Peoples" day. Discussed are barbaric practices of many of the tribes found by the Spanish when they arrived contrasted with the idyllic, overly romanticized picture of them modern…

Baptism of Desire Explained

Father Jenkins explains what the Catholic Church has always taught regarding Baptism of Desire. What it is, and why the Church teaches this are covered. This video is in part a response to the propagating of errors regarding this topic and personal attacks against Father Jenkins. It is hoped…

Cantate Domino

Father Jenkins adds a few comments regarding the discussion about Baptism of Desire that's been going on, particularly in reference to Pope Eugene IV and his Cantate Domino. A viewer asks about the twisted crucifix John Paul II was known for and having one on a rosary. Another viewer…

The Origins of WCB

A viewer asks Father Jenkins about how this show got started. Father recounts how he and members of the mission in Cleveland began the program to reach out to anyone looking for the real Roman Catholic faith. Father also talks about some of the various guests that have appeared…

St. John Lateran & Virtues

While Father Jenkins takes a number of questions, he gives a very nice talk about St. John Lateran in Rome, many of the historical artifacts you can see there and the Scala Sancta. Father also discusses the virtues, is it enough to teach them alone, the 3 stages of…

Charity and the Thuc Bishops

In this show, entirely devoted to the controversy of the Thuc consecrations, Father Jenkins answers questions sent in by viewers in response to our last program on this topic. Viewers ask Father if, out of charity towards Thuc adherents, especially Father Cekada, he shouldn’t concede some of the points…

621 - 630 of 690 articles