What Catholics Believe

So is there a hell or not!?

Father talks about the trip to Rome he and several members of Immaculate Conception Church just returned from. A viewer writes in claiming the new post-1968 ordinations are certainly valid, so he's gone back to the Novus Ordo priests. Father also comments on the latest scandal from Francis about…

Alfie Evans

Father Jenkins comments on the little boy, Alfie Evans, who authorities in Britain refused to allow to be treated for an illness in Rome. The boy passed away on Saturday, 28 April 2018 at 2:30 am Liverpool time


In this short program, Father Jenkins clarifies a point about lying from an earlier show.

The Death of Alfie Evans

Father Jenkins discusses events regarding Alfie Evans since the last show, including some details that are still in dispute. In relation to this sad event, the event of Terri Schiavo is recalled and how certain Thuc line clergy supported her murder. Also, the situation of the Thuc clergy and…

What is the Apocrypha?

Father Jenkins responds to questions from someone who has been looking at a protestant website reading about the Bible. Another viewer writes in with several brief questions, and finally a response about Cardinal Siri and the 1958 conclave.

‘Traditionalists’ in the Novus Ordo & the #MetGala

Father Jenkins answers questions about: the Old Catholic, Daniel Q. Brown, his abjuration of error, profession of faith, and consecration of Francis Schuckardt; can one be a Traditionalist in the Novus Ordo; the SSPX and their overtures with Modernist Rome; and finally gives commentary on the 2018 Met Gala…

Catholic Commentary on the News • May 2018

Father Jenkins offers pertinent Catholic commentary on recent events including: Francis’ meeting with Chilean sex abuse victim, Juan Carlos Cruz, whom he told, ‘God made you homosexual’; Cardinal Reinhard Marx on Karl Marx, “Without him, there would not be any Catholic social doctrine.”; the Santa Fe school shooting; Trump…

Ireland's Referendum on Abortion

Father Jenkins comments on the recent vote in Ireland to repeal the amendment to the Irish Constitution prohibiting abortion and its implications for Ireland and the world. Also, a viewer who was baptised in the Novus Ordo wants to know if getting conditionally baptised now would be advisable, about…

The Hearing Voices Movement & Cardinal Parolin attends Bilderberg Group

Fr. Jenkins discusses: The Hearing Voices Movement; How to deal with temptation; How can one be a traditional Catholic with the infallibility of the Pope; The Vatican’s Secretary of State (Cardinal Pietro Parolin) attendance at the Bilderberg Group; Why one should listen to Francis and his papacy; and Is…

Saints, Signs, and Wonders

Fr. Jenkins discusses: Saints of the Novus Ordo — Maximilian Kolbe, Bp. Fulton Sheen, Padre Pio, Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie "Zélie" Guérin Martin (parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux), Paul VI, John XXIII, Edith Stein, Faustina Kowalska, and Josephine Bakhita, also with a mentions of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange & Dorothy…

651 - 660 of 690 articles