What Catholics Believe

Why "Father" Williamson but "Archbishop" Viganò? One-hand ordination? Annulment and adultery. Saving Trump.

Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop Viganò. One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray…

Target: Trump in the crosshairs • Leftist tools: lies and violence • The Great Apostasy? • The Holy Ghost convicts

The attempted assassination of President Trump: the bizarre facts, the strange questions, and the troubling answers. An "inside job"? Connected to Our Lady's prophetic words at Fatima? The new Republican Party platform: weak on abortion and perversion. The two tools of Leftists/Progressives: lies and violence. Unite the country? Is…

Epikeia in law, life of Christ. Viganò's "schism": Francis, Archbishop Lefebvre, SSPX.

What is "epikeia" and how does it apply? The letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law. Equality vs. equity. Epikeia in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Hierarchy of law. Conservatives respect law; liberals abuse law. The "schism" of Archbishop Viganò: SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre…

Political anger! Marxist animals. Voting madness. Can NO clergy exorcise? Francis vs. papacy. Hold fast!

Anger toward political leaders: for love of God or personal pride? Marxism: "Man is economic animal." Refusal to "get involved" due to disorganization: baling and praying! Pope Pius IX: Universal suffrage is voting "madness." Can new-order priests exorcise demons? Mary as Mediatrix of All Graces: full of grace…

Gromulka: married priests • No vote? • Dating non-Catholic? • Tithing? • Francis' non-papacy

"Fr." Gromulka defends Viganò and married priests. Is not voting a moral option? "In God we trust," all others only by the grace of God. Women in military service? Catholic dating a non-Catholic? Stand firm in Catholic Faith! Catholic parents anxious for fallen-away children? Daily Rosary brings them home…

Family-Farmer Alliance • Trump: savior or shill? • J-6 captives • Lady of Fatima: forestall punishment!

Family-Farmer Alliance: Can parents and farmers unite to supply food for families? Is Donald Trump savior or shill, last hope or false hope? Does he stand for traditional Catholic moral principles? J-6 prisoners. Our Lady of Fatima pleads: stop sinning, make reparation, pray the Rosary, consecrate ourselves and Russia…

Inflation devours families' food • Our Lady of Fatima • Francis offends, then promotes homosexuals

Rising cost of living: food prices exploding for families. Famine in Sacred Scripture, in history and in prophesy. Marrying in today's troubled world? Humbly accepting hardship while praying "deliver us from evil" and taking prudent precautions. God's grace to save us from materialism and complacency. Our Lady of Fatima…

Are Heaven & Hell "places"? • Confessing venial sins • Francis calls for new global financial order

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Removing tattoos? Did Mary herself receive gifts of Holy Ghost at Pentecost? Are all venial sins forgiven in confession? Why the word "penance"? Are Heaven and Hell "places"? How do spirits come to earth from Heaven and Hell? The anguish of…

Singing High Mass responses? • Remission of temporal punishment • Tattoos • Harrison Butker

Catholic women in public sports? The whole congregation singing High Mass responses? Do Baptism and Extreme Unction remit all temporal punishment for sin? Faith without presumption. Church teaching on tattoos? Harrison Butker's commencement speech: leftists implode. Vatican's new rules for discerning "supernatural" events. Francis' "60 Minutes" interview: Modernist double-talk.

Alleluia • Women exercising • "Theistic" evolution • Prayers for the Sovereign Pontiff? • Pentecost

Why the exclamation "Alleluia!"? Should women workout in public? Catholic teaching about the possibility of "theistic" evolution. Plenary indulgences and vocal prayers for "intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff." The story of the "Credo" knight: Bishop Mendez and Natalie White. Dom Guéranger: By His Ascension Christ claims His Kingship, enthroned

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