Why does God create souls He knows will be lost? What does Christ mean when He speaks of "the Kingdom of God"? How to respond to the Orthodox claim that the Bishop of Rome never had supreme authority over the Church? Did Christ confer supreme authority on St. Peter?…
Living Will vs Medical Power of Attorney? Is embalming permitted? Catholic burial in non-Catholic cemetery? Cremation a less expensive alternative? Near- death experiences: can one return from Hell? Eastern Rite priests offering Latin Mass? How did different races descend from Adam and Eve? Tucker Carlson on the Schofield Bible…
Father will be attending the ordination of Rev. Mr. Michael Butler to the Holy Priesthood at Immaculate Heart Seminary on Tuesday August 27th, so there will be no episode of What Catholics Believe next week. Enjoy this bonus episode in the meantime!
The meaning of: "They shall be created…
Blessed are the poor in spirit: Work for prosperity, pray for detachment. How to know if you're "attached" to the world. Americanism and Vatican II: active vs. passive virtues. Read the Didache. Men's voices in church choirs. Holzhauser prophecy: the Great Monarch and the Angelic Shepherd. Creating cardinals? Demagogues…
Is it sinful to pray with non-Catholics and to attend "una cum" Latin Masses? Do spiritual Communions achieve the six purposes of the Blessed Sacrament? How does a Catholic regard "freedom of speech?" Viganò's responses to 14 questions of Taylor Marshall.
This episode was recorded on 8/13/2024.
Learn more about the Immaculate Conception Golf Outing here: https://www.icaohio.com/golf
St Thomas Aquinas answers: If no priest, should one confess sins to a lay person? Can Latin Rite Catholic confess to an Eastern Rite priest? Can a priest change rites? Are most souls saved or lost? Does fewness of…
Did Fr Jenkins jump the shark? Olympic blasphemy! Secret service understaffed, Biden hires 73,000 IRS agents. Leftists' new magic word: "weird." Catholic patriotism: how to love a degraded country. Socializing with sinners? Watching Hallmark? The ultimate sinner. Striking one's breast in prayer? Does smoking break Communion fast? Palmarian Church…
Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop Viganò. One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray…
The attempted assassination of President Trump: the bizarre facts, the strange questions, and the troubling answers. An "inside job"? Connected to Our Lady's prophetic words at Fatima? The new Republican Party platform: weak on abortion and perversion. The two tools of Leftists/Progressives: lies and violence. Unite the country? Is…