March is dedicated to St. Joseph, "Protector of the Universal Church": where is St. Joseph's protection against the modernists? The blessed death of St. Joseph: "role model" for every Catholic man. Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother. Christ's respect and compassion for His Blessed Mother demands our respect and compassion…
Caution: some topics may not be appropriate for children.
IVF-conceived embryos are human beings: Alabama State Supreme Court - a truly Catholic decision! Trump decries the ruling, Republicans move to negate it. Do "artificial embryos" have souls? Resisting an abortion? Irish vote firmly to protect family and motherhood in…
Can the devil take possession of souls in the state of grace? What is demonic oppression? Temptation is Satan's most lethal attack. Can a lay person exorcise a demon? Versions of prayer to St Michael the Archangel? Heroic Act for the Poor Souls? Vatican II as a non-binding "pastoral…
Are spiritual hardships punishments or blessings from God? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do bad people prosper while the good suffer? What to do when a co-worker challenges your faith and you don't know how to respond? Calling Protestant ministers "pastor"? A Catholic health care…
Prayer for USA. WCB online course offerings. Sacrilegious "funeral" at St Patrick's Cathedral requires exorcism? Francis says traditional Latin Mass impedes his plans. Rosary: why different mysteries on different days? Mental disorders on the rise? How to assist and advise those suffering from depression, panic, etc. Prudence is paramount…
Recusant Catholics? Do Lenten resolutions involve sin? Partying during Lent? Disciples or Apostles? St Mark 13, 32: Does Christ not know the time of His Second Coming? Common cause with Lutherans? How can Satan be in Hell and in the Garden of Eden? How could Christ descend into Hell…
Can we pray to others' Guardian Angels? Are Bernini's "Square" and its obelisk in front of Saint Peter's Basilica the work of Freemasonry? History of the obelisk. Is it OK for a Catholic to do business with or for a Freemason? How can we rightly assess the mental acuity…
Hamas: Islamic protests in America. Francis: Catholics and Muslims know same God? Pachamama shaman ceremony at World Economic Forum. The neo-pagan connection between Francis' Vatican and WEF. Opposition to blessing irregular couples manifests "reflections of a schismatic nature" Neopaganism is Marxist religion. Saint John Bosco's vision: Church finds safety…
Gaining indulgences, completing novenas, praying Little Office of Our Blessed Lady. Responsibility for posting indecent pictures on social media? Asking SSPX for conditional baptism? Liturgical calendar: Traditional vs Modernist. Is transgenderism demonic? Shutting down Our Lady of Lourdes. Does Church lose visibility without Francis? Our faith in the Fatherhood…
Video taken from Novus Ordo Watch on YouTube
This is an old video of a lively debate about issues pertaining to Sedevacantism, with a heavy emphasis on the 1983 Code of Canon Law and its controversial Canon 844 regarding the administration of the sacraments to non-Catholics outside the danger…