Fr. Jenkins' Writings

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is “the Sign of Contradiction” to the Modern World

Written by Father William Jenkins

We read in the Gospel of Saint Luke [2:34f.] that, when the Blessed Mother carried the newborn Jesus to the Temple, the prophet “Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother: Behold this Child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection, of

Eliminating the Supernatural

The man Francis hand-picked to be the Prefect for his new order Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Card. Victor Fernandez, has just issued the Vatican’s new rules for discerning supernatural events, such as claims of apparitions and miracles associated with them. The new rules provide for six possible

Francis’ Church proclaims Human Dignity to be “Unconditionally Infinite”

Francis has committed himself to creating a synodal church with evolving dogmas. Thus, Francis has approved the worship of pagan idols in the basilicas of Rome, the blessing of unnatural and immoral “unions” that cry to heaven for vengeance, and is now promoting a heresy about the “unconditionally ontologically infinite…

Dom Guéranger’s Early Embrace of the Immaculate Conception

[Originally published in the Immaculate Conception Church bulletin on December 10th 2023.]

Dom Prosper Guéranger (1805-1875) is a towering figure of the Catholic revival in 19th Century France. He was instrumental in the re-establishment of the Benedictine Order in France (suppressed by the French Revolution) and the renewal of love

Vale, viride!—Salve, purpura!

 [Originally published in the Immaculate Conception Church bulletin on December 3rd 2023.]

After the 26 Sundays of Pentecost this year, we set aside the green vestments and don the violet vestments for the liturgical season of Advent. Since both Advent and Lent call for violet vestments, one might well

Thoughts on the Rosary

The Rosary truly is Mary’s prayer. The Gospel tells us that the Blessed Mother kept and “pondered in her heart” the events of Our Lord’s life — which is exactly what we do when we pray the Rosary properly. And the recitation of the Angelic Salutation, the “Hail Mary” which

The Sign of Contradiction

The Sacred Heart of Jesus has become that sign of contradiction to the “modern” world, the world in which we now live.

We read in the Gospel of Saint Luke [2:34f.] that, when the Blessed Mother carried the newborn Jesus to the Temple, the prophet “Simeon blessed them, and said

Francis' Impending Ban of the TLM?

     Traditional Catholics are well aware of Francis’ relentless efforts to eradicate the traditional Catholic Mass. He has followed up his “Traditionis custodes” edict with subsequent demands that his bishops squelch the traditional Mass throughout the world. Despite the reluctance of some new order bishops to outright ban the…

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