Fr. Jenkins' Writings

The Five First Saturdays

     During Our Blessed Mother's appearance at Fatima, Portugal, on July 13, 1917, she told the children that all mankind was on the verge of plunging into the abyss. Our Lady had shown the children the vision of Hell opened at their feet. Lucia later described the sight of

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: The True Renewal — or a Mere Memorial?

     Does Jesus Christ come to Mass? Not only does Our Lord come to Mass — He IS the Mass. The Catholic Church teaches that the Mass is the unbloody Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. It is "unbloody" in that Christ, "having died once, dieth now no more."

The Feast of the Purification: The Presentation and Candlemas Day

     Some great feast days of the Church have the suffix —mas added to their names. Christmas and Michaelmas, for instance signify the Mass offered in honor of Christ's birth and the Mass offered on a feast day of St. Michael the Archangel. So Candlemas Day, February 2

Reason, Religion, and Kindness

     According to Pope Pius XI, who canonized him, in St. John Bosco's life of 73 years, there were so many miracles that "the supernatural became almost natural." Indeed, Don Bosco was given astonishing powers by God, Whom he served so humbly and so faithfully. Just like St. Francis

Are You a Closet Socialist?

     With each passing election in the United States, there is a growing cry in favor of “socialism” and against "capitalism." From Francis in the Vatican to the classrooms of our colleges and universities to our election campaigns, we hear the steadily increasing condemnations of "capitalism" and "capitalists" as

The Holy Family and Your Family

     The family is the first human society established by God. God's first command joined the first man and first woman in a life-giving union. It is a society based on mutual love, for while we all must love our neighbors as ourselves, nonetheless "charity begins at home" because

Love Means Being Able to Say You're Sorry

     No one is perfect. Everyone has faults and weaknesses. Everyone makes mistakes. One of the most important lessons parents need to teach–and children need to learn–is to apologize humbly and sincerely when they have done something wrong.

Yet, human nature tends to compound the offense by ignoring it,

The Execution of Theresa Marie Schiavo

    At 9:05 a.m. on March 31, 2005, Theresa Marie Schiavo – aged 41 years – died at The Hospice of the Florida Suncoast in Largo, Pinellas County, Florida. Terri, as the media called her, died of dehydration when food and water were denied her by court order. Her death

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