What Catholics Believe

Catholic Commentary on the News • May 2018

Father Jenkins offers pertinent Catholic commentary on recent events including: Francis’ meeting with Chilean sex abuse victim, Juan Carlos Cruz, whom he told, ‘God made you homosexual’; Cardinal Reinhard Marx on Karl Marx, “Without him, there would not be any Catholic social doctrine.”; the Santa Fe school shooting; Trump…

Ireland's Referendum on Abortion

Father Jenkins comments on the recent vote in Ireland to repeal the amendment to the Irish Constitution prohibiting abortion and its implications for Ireland and the world. Also, a viewer who was baptised in the Novus Ordo wants to know if getting conditionally baptised now would be advisable, about…

The Hearing Voices Movement & Cardinal Parolin attends Bilderberg Group

Fr. Jenkins discusses: The Hearing Voices Movement; How to deal with temptation; How can one be a traditional Catholic with the infallibility of the Pope; The Vatican’s Secretary of State (Cardinal Pietro Parolin) attendance at the Bilderberg Group; Why one should listen to Francis and his papacy; and Is…

Saints, Signs, and Wonders

Fr. Jenkins discusses: Saints of the Novus Ordo — Maximilian Kolbe, Bp. Fulton Sheen, Padre Pio, Louis Martin and Marie-Azélie "Zélie" Guérin Martin (parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux), Paul VI, John XXIII, Edith Stein, Faustina Kowalska, and Josephine Bakhita, also with a mentions of Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange & Dorothy…

President Trump Seizing Children?

Fr. Jenkins examines: illegal immigration — specifically the media’s coverage of the topic, Pope Francis’ position and recent comments on the matter; politicians quoting from the Bible; Pope Francis’ statement on St. John the Baptist; parallels between Modernism and Marxism; the expanding part that public schools play in the…

Liberalism Is a Sin • Part I

Fr. Jenkins discusses Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany’s book, ‘Liberalism Is a Sin’ and how it is applicable to the world of today. Includes a short background on the times in which Fr. Sarda y Salvany wrote his work. Fr. Jenkins says of this book, “every Catholic should read…

Catholic Commentary on the News • July 2018

Father Jenkins and Tom comment on some of the recent events including: the new Superior General of the SSPX, Fr. Davide Pagliarani; Fr. Patrick Girouard’s sermon on the SSPX’s re-branding; Francis role in Ireland’s abortion referendum and his upcoming trip to the country; Francis surprise appearance at a Swiss…

The Our Father Explained

Fr. Jenkins and Tom examine the most perfect prayer, the Our Father. Tom reads commentary from the Catena Aurea of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the sixth chapter of Gospel According to Saint Matthew on the Our Father and Fr. Jenkins clarifies the topic as well as comments.

The Catholic Wage

Fr. Jenkins defines what a Catholic wage or just wage is and why business should pay their workers a living wage. The discussion then turns to the ramifications in a society which pays non-Catholic wages and how this leads it to liberalism as well as socialism. Many other points…

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