Fr. Jenkins discusses Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany’s book, ‘Liberalism Is a Sin’ and how it is applicable to the world of today. Includes a short background on the times in which Fr. Sarda y Salvany wrote his work. Fr. Jenkins says of this book, “every Catholic should read…
Fr. Jenkins reads an article from LifeSiteNews, ‘Former Vatican Bank chief: Authors of New World Order demographic collapse influencing the Vatican’ which covers Ettore Gotti Tedeschi’s talk, “The Rejection of Life: a Demographic Catastrophe for mankind” at a 21 May 2018 conference of the John Paul II Academy…
Father Jenkins and Tom comment on some of the recent events including: the new Superior General of the SSPX, Fr. Davide Pagliarani; Fr. Patrick Girouard’s sermon on the SSPX’s re-branding; Francis role in Ireland’s abortion referendum and his upcoming trip to the country; Francis surprise appearance at a Swiss…
Fr. Jenkins and Tom examine the most perfect prayer, the Our Father. Tom reads commentary from the Catena Aurea of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the sixth chapter of Gospel According to Saint Matthew on the Our Father and Fr. Jenkins clarifies the topic as well as comments.
Fr. Jenkins defines what a Catholic wage or just wage is and why business should pay their workers a living wage. The discussion then turns to the ramifications in a society which pays non-Catholic wages and how this leads it to liberalism as well as socialism. Many other points…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, What Is Spiritual Direction?, Fr. Jenkins: answers what is the role of a spiritual director and confessor; contrasts a spiritual director with the focus on God to a therapist who focuses one’s attention towards oneself; recommends five books on the…
This episode of What Catholics Believe covers a lot of ground. Fr. Jenkins discusses: Francis changing the catechism’s teaching on the death penalty and how it relates to modernism; the recent truths that have come to light confirming rumors about Cardinal McCarrick and how his behavior is part of…
In this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: Bp. Fellay’s 2013 comments on Francis and the Society’s flip-flop on modernist Rome; Fr. Thomas Rosica, “Pope Francis breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is ‘free from disordered attachments.’”; Francis’ recent use of the term…
Fr. Jenkins addresses the growing cry in the world for "socialism" to replace "capitalism" from Francis in the Vatican to the classrooms of our colleges. Where does this cry originate from? Where does "socialism" ultimately lead its followers?
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins: discuss the report of the Pennsylvania grand jury concerning the amoral behavior in six Pennsylvania dioceses as well as the Society of St. John; comment on the new sacraments, new rites, new morals (or lack there of…