Tom Naegele and Father Jenkins comment on the latest remark from Francis that the liturgical revolution is "irreversible". Father compares what Pope St. Pius V did in 1570 to the changes lately and why they are not the same except superficially. Questions about priests attempting to have "conversations" with…
Father discusses the necessity of having a prayerful interior life to be saved. He talks about Grace and how it relates us to God in our soul, then gives an example of this life in Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and her time in the convent. This program…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele talk about Pope Leo XIII, why he's not a canonized saint, the situation of the Church during his pontificate and how he compares to Pope Pius IX, St. Pius X and others. Father then answers a question about the remains of St. Peter being…
Father Jenkins answers a viewer email about evangelizing and bringing people to the true, traditional Catholic Faith, and then having to explain the problem with the Novus Ordo, all that's happened since Vatican II, and why they can't go to their local modern parish. He closes the show with…
In this episode, Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele respond to viewer emails about the Dialogue Mass, what it is and why it has been used, particularly by the SSPX. Father also comments on the sports protests going on now, Francis and an article by Dr. Thomas Droleskey, "A "Correction…
Click here to go to the article at Christ or Chaos
Father Jenkins discusses the accusations of heresy against Francis, the political actions involving the dubia, the correctio and the cardinals and clergy instigating these things. Father then answers a question from a viewer about racism and political correctness.
Father Jenkins comments on the recent horrific tragedy in Las Vegas, Nevada. Father and Tom talk about the larger causes of what happened including the abortion industry and the general degrading of the value of human life in our society. Ultimately, the question becomes not how can this happen…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele begin by responding to a question about Columbus Day and recent attempts to rename it "Indigenous Peoples" day. Discussed are barbaric practices of many of the tribes found by the Spanish when they arrived contrasted with the idyllic, overly romanticized picture of them modern…
Father Jenkins explains what the Catholic Church has always taught regarding Baptism of Desire. What it is, and why the Church teaches this are covered. This video is in part a response to the propagating of errors regarding this topic and personal attacks against Father Jenkins. It is hoped…