Tom Naegele asks Father Jenkins questions from viewers about the 1962 missal with the John XXIII changes, dialog Masses from the 1950's, men and women singing in choir together and more. This program was recorded 7 June 2017.
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele talk about some Facebook comments made by SSPX supporters, spreading false information about the SSPV priests and chapels. They then discuss the resurgent phenomenon of people believing we must first convert to Judaism before we can become Catholic and be baptized. This program was…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele discuss educating children, Catholic schools versus homeschooling, the Daughters of Mary and SSPV chapel schools. Father also talks about plans for what he'd like to see in a homeschooling program based at Immaculate Conception Church. This program was recorded 14 June 2017.
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele answer questions about difficulties experienced while trying to progress spiritually including mental and physical distractions while praying. A look at the new superior general of the Society of Jesus, his philosophical outlook and similarity to Francis concludes the show. This program was recorded 26…
For the concluding conference of the 2017 Mens Retreat, Father William Jenkins gives a lengthy discussion of Fatima, what happened, what it means, the Third Secret and how it relates to various forces inside and outside the Catholic Church that seek to subvert her to the influences of the…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele review some questions that were asked at the recent ladies and mens retreats at St. Thomas Aquinas Summer Camp. Questions included topics such as the fall of the angels, the Assumption, Our Lady's death and the Hail Mary. This program was recorded 4 July…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele wrap up their look at questions from the ladies and mens retreats at St. Thomas Aquinas Summer Camp. Questions were about the Divine Mercy chaplet, Sister Lucia, Padre Pio and their part in the Novus Ordo and older children not receiving communion and more…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele answer a viewers question about the Eastern Rite schismatic/orthodox churches. Father gives a general review of the origin of the split between Rome and Constantinople, causes for the division, the Crusades and problems the eastern Christians have had due to their departure. This program…
Father Jenkins expands on topics covered in previous programs, elaborating on the Third Secret, the sequence of events relating to the requested consecration of Russia from 1917 to today, the struggle between marxism and the Catholic Church and more. Father also reviews more of the history of the eastern…
Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele answer questions from viewers. Father discusses what we mean when we talk about Our Lady as CoRedemptrix in our salvation. The possibility of Cardinal Raymond Burke being the next pope of the Novus Ordo and what that entails is also looked at. This program…