What Catholics Believe

The Thuc Consecrations

Tom Naegele and Father Jenkins discuss at length the episcopal consecrations performed by the late Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Din Thuc. Father recounts investigations he and other priests have made into the circumstances surrounding the consecrations and whether traditional Catholics should avail themselves of clergy who derive orders from…

Roman Catholic Forum 2002 Dr. Charles Rice

Dr. Rice gives his talk, "Catholic Foundations of Good Government".

Roman Catholic Forum 2002 John Grant

Col. Grant talks about the Inquisition.

Email: Music & NFP

Tom and Father Jenkins discuss modern music and natural family planning, topics raised by viewer emails. This program was recorded 9 February 2017.

Sanctuary Cities

Father Jenkins makes a brief comment about the issue of sanctuary cities in light of the recent actions of the Cincinnati city counsel. This program was recorded 10 February 2017.

More on Natural Family Planning

Father Jenkins makes a few remarks on NFP, elaborating on what was said in the previous email Q & A. This program was recorded 10 February 2017.

Email: The SSPX

Father answers a viewers question about the SSPX and discusses at length their impending reconciliation with the modernists in the Vatican. This program was recorded 15 February 2017.

Email: Contraception, Circumcision, Tattoos, and more SSPX

In this show responding to viewer questions, Father Jenkins talks about contraception, circumcision, tattoos, and he also adds some additional comments about the SSPX. This program was recorded 22 February 2017.

Email: Birth Control, Higher Criticism, the Crucifix and more

Father Jenkins and Tom Naegele respond to more viewer email and feedback on earlier shows, discussing birth control, biblical "higher criticism", the crucifix and the so-called "resurrexifix" of Novus Ordo parishes, and more. This program was recorded 28 February 2017.

Entertainment and Morality

Father Jenkins answers a question about attending a movie with some immoral content, and then discusses the matter about entertainment generally. This program was recorded 10 March 2017.

571 - 580 of 690 articles