What Catholics Believe

The chiesa article of Sandro Magister

Father reads an article of interest by Italian journalist Sandro Magister. This program was recorded 26 May 2016.

Questions XII The commission of Christ

Father answers questions that have recently come into the show. He discusses his own credentials as a priest, the sacraments of the new church, the Catholic Church's commission from Christ and more. This program was recorded 26 May 2016.

Questions XIII Post Vatican II ordinations, etc.

Father takes questions on topics such as the post Vatican II ordinations, traditional Catholics and Eucharistic adoration at a Novus Ordo church, wearing a rosary like a necklace, immodesty and more. This program was recorded 7 June 2016.

The Gotthard Base Tunnel Opening Ceremony

Father Jenkins comments on the opening of a new tunnel in Europe and the blatantly Satanic imagery employed in the ceremonies. This program was recorded 7 June 2016.

Francis Pontificates: On Martin Luther

Father Jenkins discusses remarks made by Francis about Martin Luther, his impact on the Church, the value of his "reforms", and more.

Francis Pontificates: On Marriage

Father comments on the disastrous statement made by Francis about most marriages in the Novus Ordo being invalid and what this means for the other sacraments, the Church, etc.

Father William Jenkins 1991 Roman Catholic Forum

In this talk from 1991 that we've just been given by a friend, Father Jenkins discusses the state of the Church, the clergy and how we got to where we are. This is still a valuable and informative talk even after 25 years!

Father Clarence Kelly 1991 Roman Catholic Forum

Here's a talk by then-Father Kelly at the same 1991 Roman Catholic Forum as the Father Jenkins talk we posted a few days ago. Another talk still great after 25 years.

Amoris laetitia: Francis explains it himself

Father Jenkins comments on the letter Francis sent to his Novus Ordo bishops in Argentina explaining Amoris laetitia. Father shows how both documents are an attack on the sacrament of matrimony, on the Catholic faith and God. This program was recorded 14 September 2016.

Francis' prayer for the care of creation

Father Jenkins discusses Francis' message for the "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation". Father shows how Francis is trying to make environmentalism an 8th corporal work of mercy, and in doing so is subverting the Catholic Faith and all that it teaches. This affects the very…

541 - 550 of 690 articles