What Catholics Believe

Questions XI More on the Indult Mass show

Jim Birch and Father continue to answer questions regarding the Indult Mass program. This show was recorded 16 March 2016.

Amoris Laetitia

Father Jenkins offers a few brief comments on the document Amoris Laetitia from Francis. Father explains how the real intent of the document, which comes at the end, is not only an attack on some Catholic doctrine, but the idea of doctrine itself. This program was recorded 23 April…

Father Schmidberger's appeal to the SSPX and reunion with Rome

Father Jenkins discusses Father Schmidberger's open appeal to the SSPX to move forward with joining the Novus Ordo Church, becoming fully united with the modernist sect lead by Francis. Father looks at the dangers with such a move and why it's wrong. This program was recorded 13 May 2016.

Traditional Catholics and Immoral Family Members

Father Jenkins briefly comments on the situation traditional Catholics face when dealing with family members who are engaged in immoral conduct that causes scandal and puts their souls in peril. This program was recorded 18 May 2016

The La Croix Interview

Father Jenkins comments on an interview Francis gave the French daily La Croix on May 9. This is a detailed review of all that is opposed to the Catholic faith in Francis' words, including his warped understanding of the Church's mission, the commission of Our Lord, the facts of…

531 - 540 of 690 articles