Summer retreats and camps. Rome website. Indulgences, penances require praying aloud? Benefits of almsgiving. Prayers of a soul in mortal sin? Did Constantine begin the Roman Catholic Church? Fr Sanborn, Bishop Mendez and the 1990 ordinations. Fr Ripperger, Taylor Marshall and papal power to change Mass. Pray for SSPX…
Is Advent a penitential season? Why Nativity on December 25th? Is State of Grace necessary to help Poor Souls? Can souls in Heaven or Purgatory know loved ones on earth? Prayer vs mantra? Alcoholism: disease or moral failure? Why altar stones with martyrs' relics? Charity vs love? Preach faith…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: Fr. Michael Johnson’s Remnant Newspaper article, Carthago delenda est! (So, what about Vatican II?). • Can one reject the Novus Ordo church based off of its fruits? • Is is a great deal to ask lay people…