Why does God create souls He knows will be lost? What does Christ mean when He speaks of "the Kingdom of God"? How to respond to the Orthodox claim that the Bishop of Rome never had supreme authority over the Church? Did Christ confer supreme authority on St. Peter?…
Is it sinful to pray with non-Catholics and to attend "una cum" Latin Masses? Do spiritual Communions achieve the six purposes of the Blessed Sacrament? How does a Catholic regard "freedom of speech?" Viganò's responses to 14 questions of Taylor Marshall.
This episode was recorded on 8/13/2024.
What is "epikeia" and how does it apply? The letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law. Equality vs. equity. Epikeia in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Hierarchy of law. Conservatives respect law; liberals abuse law. The "schism" of Archbishop Viganò: SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre…
Francis: Archbishop Viganò vs Bishop Schneider? Bergoglio: Modernist, gnostic, neopagan. Real hope for a real pope? The 2024 elections: Real hope for real president? Why did Jesus Christ always refer to Himself as "Son of man?" Belief in mythological creatures: Pope Pius XII and faeries? The blessings of Thanksgiving…
The on-going Revolution: Francis says Synod continues Vatican II's church of constant change. Eric Sammons reacting, but not responding, to Archbishop Viganò. Great Western Schism: A doubtful pope is no pope. The special calling to the single life: a true God-given vocation.
This episode was livestreamed on…
Viganò's Speech: https://exsurgedomine.it/en/230930-cic-eng/
Francis denounces true Catholic Faith as false "ideology" - prelude to persecution? Old Church must give way to new Synodal Church. Michael Matt cancels Archbishop Viganò talk about Francis as "enemy of the Church," Vatican II as cancer. Wonderful sanctity of St. Theresa of the Child…
Father Martin Skierka joins us to answer email questions about Francis: Is "dogmatic sedevacantism" most logical? Pseudo-vacantism? What are degrees of sedevacantism? Is Francis the worst of heretics? What's a Catholic to do?
This episode was livestreamed on 6/27/2023
This episode was livestreamed on 2 May 2023.
Should Catholics cheer coronation of King Charles? Swear "allegiance" to him, his heirs and successors? Francis "the Merciful" evicting cloistered nuns due to their traditional faith, seize property? Consequences of acknowledging/rejecting Francis as Pope. Traditional New Order?
This episode was livestreamed on 28 March 2023.
This episode was livestreamed on 14 March 2023.
In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele discuss a recent viewer comment stating that the Novus Ordo must be valid because of "forensically documented Eucharistic miracles"; the claim that John XXIII was a good and traditional Catholic pope who convoked the Second Vatican Council with good intentions; the…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: • Why paying attention to Pope Francis is important for traditional Catholics. • The explosion of recent media articles on a heretical pope. • The crisis of conscience among Catholics in the Novus…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: • The latest What Catholics Believe show, Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism; Is it sinful to follow a doubtful authority? • Using the spirit of obedience for subversion; • The Impeachment of…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom asks Fr. Jenkins about Dr. Taylor Marshall’s recent video, Can Popes Become Heretics? St Robert Bellarmine Analysis (see links below), which concerns the question, “Whether a heretical Pope can be deposed” as asked and answered by St. Robert Bellarmine in …
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: • The upcoming Pro-life dinner for the 36th Annual Rosary Procession in Cincinnati. • The book, The Message of Our Lady of Fatima by Rev. John de Marchi, I.M.C. • A wide-ranging conversation…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins return to answering viewers questions: • What does the Glory Be prayer mean? • Is it a contradiction for a priest to say the Latin mass and the vernacular Novus Ordo Missae? • Is…
More emails on this episode of What Catholics Believe. Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss and answer the following: • How do you reconcile 2 Corinthians 5:21 with Fr. Jenkins stating that Martin Luther’s statement ‘on the cross Jesus became sin’ is blasphemous/heretical? • Is Cardinal…
This is a special edition of What Catholics Believe with Fr. Jenkins addressing recent statements of Francis made to Caritas Internationalis that attack the Faith and how it relates to the SSPX’s reaction to the ‘Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church’. Simply, the reactions by…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins: • Revisit the topic of vaccines. Specifically, a video excerpt sent in from a viewer taken from the deposition of Stanley Plotkin, that states the fetus has to be alive in order to get a…