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Category Search: Just war

Faith of God? War for Independence? Libertarianism? Marijuana? Pelosi vs Francis. Gates' experiments

Consider a donation to the Immaculate Conception Church Christmas Appeal. May God bless you for your generosity!

"Have the faith of God." (St Mark 11:22) Does God have faith? Was American War for Independence justified? Can Catholics be libertarians? What are governments for? Medicinal marijuana allowed? Prayer for

Death by Drone. Resisting Modernism. Francis—Soros.

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins cover a multitude of topics: • The Francis hand slapping incident.  • The recent bombings in the Middle East and Trump’s drone strike in Iran.  • Would one want to return to the Novus Ordo?

Catholic Christmas vs. Francis Christmas


What Catholics Believe wishes all our supporters and viewers a blessed Christmas. On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins answer viewer emails as well as the following topics:  • How bad must the state of the world become until Catholics take action? 

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