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Shaun King & BLM: “Destroy White Jesus”

This program was recorded 23 June 2020.

Catholic Christmas vs. Francis Christmas


What Catholics Believe wishes all our supporters and viewers a blessed Christmas. On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins answer viewer emails as well as the following topics:  • How bad must the state of the world become until Catholics take action? 

What Would Abp. Lefebvre Say?

This episode of What Catholics Believe returns to Tom and Fr. Jenkins answering viewers questions: • A gracious viewer from Europe writes in to inform that the SSPX in Europe has commented on the upcoming Amazon Synod. Fr. Jenkins comments.  • Why won’t Fr. Jenkins come over to

Rosary Points to Ponder: Praying the Annunciation

In this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss the First Mystery of The Rosary — The Annunciation.

(This episode was filmed on 7 July 2019.)

The Antichrist, Anxiety Meds & Benevacantism

More emails on this episode of What Catholics Believe.  Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss and answer the following:  • How do you reconcile 2 Corinthians 5:21 with Fr. Jenkins stating that Martin Luther’s  statement ‘on the cross Jesus became sin’ is blasphemous/heretical?  • Is Cardinal

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