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Category Search: Abortion

LA fires. Rosary warfare. Sabbatine privilege. Predominant fault? Gnashing teeth? End of Mass? Church bells.

LA fires! Pro-Life AR-15: the Rosary! Sabbatine privilege and the Scapular: foundation? Finding our predominant fault? Pornography poisons marriages. "Weeping and gnashing of teeth"? Absolution after Confiteor: does it absolve from sin? Significance of the Last Blessing at Mass? Power of the Last Gospel! Are church bells baptized and

Retreat! Admonish sinners! Send angels to Mass? Saints & Poor Souls? Fear vs trust? Election mercy!

Sounding "retreat!" How to admonish the sinner? Praying for deceased non-Catholics? Sending one's Guardian Angel to Mass? Can saints in heaven help souls in purgatory? Balancing fear of God and trust in God? Nov. 5 election: A God-given reprieve. It is time for us to do what we should…

Negative modesty? Heliocentric heresy? Christ's siblings? Vote for good! Francis' Soviet Church.

Veils: Is modesty "negative"? Is heliocentrism heresy? Is there a non-Catholic crucifix? Did Mary, the Mother of God, have other children? Hurricane Helene: Donating to "relief organizations? Good Catholic Spanish Bible? Vote for your God-given right to oppose abortion. Francis' Soviet Church of Synodality.

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+Bp. Tissier: Rest in peace! Vigilantism, hatred, violence, envy? Stoicism? Enabling? Cells in food? Vote!

Pray for the repose of the soul of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais. Pray for hurricane victims. Is vigilantism Catholic? Demagogues promote and provoke hatred and violence. Stoicism vs meekness. Charity vs enabling. How to overcome envy: St Bernadette and the nun. How to recognize gluttony. Embryonic cells in…

Daily life with Mary. "Bread of Life"? "Supersubstantial bread"? Consecrating a priest? All religions good?

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St Louis de Montfort: how to live consecration to Mary in daily life. Why is the Blessed Sacrament called the "Bread of Angels"? The Our Father: Give us this day our "supersubstantial bread"? Can episcopal consecration make one a priest? Equal obligation to…

Living Wills? Embalming? Cremation? Near-death experiences? All races from Adam? Voting for evils?

Living Will vs Medical Power of Attorney? Is embalming permitted? Catholic burial in non-Catholic cemetery? Cremation a less expensive alternative? Near- death experiences: can one return from Hell? Eastern Rite priests offering Latin Mass? How did different races descend from Adam and Eve? Tucker Carlson on the Schofield Bible…

Rome reflections • “Infinite Dignity” • Should Catholics vote for Trump? • Love for the truth

Rome reflections: from catacombs to basilicas. United Nations and the Vatican agree on "the Infinite Dignity" of all human persons. Modernists want to bury the Catholic Church as Pharisees wanted to bury Christ. Trump blasts pro-life Arizona: can a Catholic vote for him? Israel vs Iran: setting stage for…

IVF • "Artificial embryos" • St. Joseph's name in the Canon? • The "restored" rites of Holy Week

Caution: some topics may not be appropriate for children.

IVF-conceived embryos are human beings: Alabama State Supreme Court - a truly Catholic decision! Trump decries the ruling, Republicans move to negate it. Do "artificial embryos" have souls? Resisting an abortion? Irish vote firmly to protect family and motherhood in

Lies Abortionists Tell • Tales from the Crypt: Episode 1

This special edition of WCB was recorded on 11/15/2023.

Dancing • Validity of New Order Baptisms • Pro Abortion Billboards • North American Martyrs

Dancing, the Roaring 20's, the Great Depression. Validity of New Order Baptisms. Billboards: Shout Your Abortion? Shout Your Repentance! Ukraine's Zelenskyy enlists witches to fight Russia. St. Isaac Jogues and Companions, pray for us!

This episode was livestreamed on 9/26/2023

Bp. Schneider on heretic pope. Coronavirus threat, The root of the problem.

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • Why paying attention to Pope Francis is important for traditional Catholics.  • The explosion of recent media articles on a heretical pope.  • The crisis of conscience among Catholics in the Novus

March for Life, Catholic feminism, Bp. Mendez

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss and answer emails:  • The recent March for Life in Washington, D.C. focusing on the need for more prayer and modest dress.  • Bishop Mendez  • Why the modernists suppressed many saints in

Catholic Christmas vs. Francis Christmas


What Catholics Believe wishes all our supporters and viewers a blessed Christmas. On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins answer viewer emails as well as the following topics:  • How bad must the state of the world become until Catholics take action? 

Francis’ UN “World Feast of Fraternity”; Marxist religion: neopaganism?

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: Fr. Michael Johnson’s Remnant Newspaper article, Carthago delenda est! (So, what about Vatican II?). • Can one reject the Novus Ordo church based off of its fruits? • Is is a great deal to ask lay people

Sedevacantism and Luciferianism; Flee to Mount Calvary

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: • OnePeterFive’s article, ‘Sedevacantism Is Modern Luciferianism’. • The Gospels from the past two Sundays — Last Sunday of Pentecost & 1st Sunday of Advent. • Henry Edward Cardinal Manning’s ‘The Passion and “Death” of the

College: reply to objections; apologies to adulterers; Vatican bank scandals

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins cover the folowing topics: • follow up on last week’s discussion about higher education • Bishop Renato Marangoni’s apology to unrepentant adulterers • Francis’ trip to Bangkok where he urged people to respect prostitutes • the partnership

Fatima and Pachamama-Slayer, Pro-life dinner, Public Rosaries

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • The upcoming Pro-life dinner for the 36th Annual Rosary Procession in Cincinnati.  • The book, The Message of Our Lady of Fatima by Rev. John de Marchi, I.M.C.  • A wide-ranging conversation

Homeschooling, Idol-worship in Vatican, Hell-o-ween

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins cover a wide range of topics:  • A follow-up discussion to last week’s show ‘Educating Catholic Children’ with a special focus on daily communion.    The horror of Halloween. • The Pachamama idols go for

Francis, Lost in the Amazon

This episode of What Catholics Believe cover a lot of ground—including:  • A preview of upcoming shows on the Instrumentum laboris of Francis’ Amazon Synod.  • The most recent controversy between Michael Voris’ Church Militant and the SSPX.  • The paradoxical obedience of the priests of

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