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Category Search: usury

Lent resolutions • Disciples or Apostles? • Questions about Hell • Patenting "intellectual property"

Recusant Catholics? Do Lenten resolutions involve sin? Partying during Lent? Disciples or Apostles? St Mark 13, 32: Does Christ not know the time of His Second Coming? Common cause with Lutherans? How can Satan be in Hell and in the Garden of Eden? How could Christ descend into Hell…

Usury and Socialism In America

This episode of What Catholics Believe is a discussion about usury & the modern banking system and how this differs from the free market capitalist system.  As Pius XI wrote, “No one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.” (Quadragesimo Anno,

Yoga, Usury, Penance and Patience


This episode of What Catholics Believe covers the following questions:  • When a priest gives penance, does it fully satisfy God’s justice for those sins which were confessed?  • Did Pius XII make a mistake in forming the IOR (The Institute for the Works of Religion)?  • What

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