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Satanic Spiderman, Essential Oils, Foul Music

This episode of What Catholics Believe covers the following subjects and questions:  • The comic book industry and its shift to the occult.  • What to think of Essential Oils and healing oils?  • What to make of Ayurveda teas?  • Exorcism and the Prayer to

Yoga, Usury, Penance and Patience


This episode of What Catholics Believe covers the following questions:  • When a priest gives penance, does it fully satisfy God’s justice for those sins which were confessed?  • Did Pius XII make a mistake in forming the IOR (The Institute for the Works of Religion)?  • What

The Occult Role In The CovCath Fiasco


This episode of What Catholics Believe begins with a statement from Fr. Jenkins concerning the Covington Catholic Fiasco. Immediately following this Tom makes a special announcement about the new What Catholics Believe website.  Then proceeds the discussion on the Covington Catholic students being confronted by the Black Hebrew Israelites and

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