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Bp. Schneider on heretic pope. Coronavirus threat, The root of the problem.

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • Why paying attention to Pope Francis is important for traditional Catholics.  • The explosion of recent media articles on a heretical pope.  • The crisis of conscience among Catholics in the Novus

Impeaching a Pope? & Catholic Tradition in Times of Crisis

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • The latest What Catholics Believe show, Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism;  Is it sinful to follow a doubtful authority?  • Using the spirit of obedience for subversion;   • The Impeachment of

Rosary Points to Ponder: Praying the Presentation

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Fr. Joseph Greenwell joins Tom and Fr. Jenkins to discuss the Fourth Joyful Mystery of The Rosary — The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple.


(This episode was filmed on 10 December 2019.)

John Paul II & The New World Order

In this talk given in 1991, Fr. Jenkins outlines the plans of John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II to turn the traditional roles of the Catholic Church over to a supranational authority. He demonstrates how the documents of Vatican II and the speeches of the trio are leading Catholics

Answering Viewers’ Questions

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins return to answering viewers questions:  • What does the Glory Be prayer mean?  • Is it a contradiction for a priest to say the Latin mass and the vernacular Novus Ordo Missae?   • Is

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