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Catholic Christmas vs. Francis Christmas


What Catholics Believe wishes all our supporters and viewers a blessed Christmas. On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins answer viewer emails as well as the following topics:  • How bad must the state of the world become until Catholics take action? 

Francis, Lost in the Amazon

This episode of What Catholics Believe cover a lot of ground—including:  • A preview of upcoming shows on the Instrumentum laboris of Francis’ Amazon Synod.  • The most recent controversy between Michael Voris’ Church Militant and the SSPX.  • The paradoxical obedience of the priests of

Vicious Vaccines, SSPX Defends Francis

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins:  • Revisit the topic of vaccines. Specifically, a video excerpt sent in from a viewer taken from the deposition of Stanley Plotkin, that states the fetus has to be alive in order to get a

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