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Category Search: St. John Bosco

Don Bosco. Double-effect? Guardian Angels? "Conceits"? Christ's Communion? Trump? SSPX?

Saint John Bosco's "Preventative Method" of raising children: reason, religion and kindness. The moral principle of double-effect: when there are no good choices. Conspiracy of Guardian Angels. The meaning of Romans 12,16: "...wise in your own conceits." If Old Law ended, why still 10 Commandments? Did Christ receive Communion

Demonic possession & obsession • Prayer to St Michael • Vatican II a non-binding "pastoral council"?

Can the devil take possession of souls in the state of grace? What is demonic oppression?  Temptation is Satan's most lethal attack. Can a lay person exorcise a demon? Versions of prayer to St Michael the Archangel? Heroic Act for the Poor Souls? Vatican II as a non-binding "pastoral…

Islamic protests in America • Pachamama at WEF • Neopaganism & Marxism • St John Bosco & St Martina

Hamas: Islamic protests in America. Francis: Catholics and Muslims know same God? Pachamama shaman ceremony at World Economic Forum. The neo-pagan connection between Francis' Vatican and WEF. Opposition to blessing irregular couples manifests "reflections of a schismatic nature" Neopaganism is Marxist religion. Saint John Bosco's vision: Church finds safety…

Open Letter to SSPX, La Salette and Rome

A return to the email inbox on this episode of What Catholics Believe:    If Fr. Jenkins were to write on Open Letter to the SSPX what would he say?  • What to make of Our Lady of La Salette and Rome becoming the seat

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