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Raising socialists; God allows heretical popes?

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss two articles:  • ‘Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored, Entitled, Impatient with Few Real Friends’ and • ‘Could God permit a heretical pope to remain in office, and why would He?’ by Peter Kwasniewski

(This episode

Rosary Points to Ponder: Praying the Presentation

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Fr. Joseph Greenwell joins Tom and Fr. Jenkins to discuss the Fourth Joyful Mystery of The Rosary — The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple.


(This episode was filmed on 10 December 2019.)

Honoring Francis, Unhinged Cardinals, Answering Objections

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins:  • Mention the recent ordinations of two new priests for the CSPV — Fr. Matthew Wilder & Fr. Michael Martin. • Briefly discuss Francis newest statement, ‘it’s an honor to be criticized by Catholics in the

Francis & the SSPX: Conspiracy of Silence?

This episode of What Catholics Believe begins with a discussion between Tom and Fr. Jenkins concerning the Amazon Synod and the SSPX. The show then reveals new information which has come to light in via a recent interview on with the former president of Una Voce International and

The Pope-pourri of Francis' Memory

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • Francis’ latest lies about the McCarrick/Vigano kerfuffle  • The double-mindedness of some traditional Catholics  • Why knowledge without sanctity is dangerous to one’s soul.


• LINK •

Wall Street Journal -

Bishop Schneider and Heretical Francis

This episode of What Catholics Believe  • Revisits the subject of of Francis’ ring kissing fiasco, and  • Discusses the recent article, ‘On the question of a heretical pope’, by Bishop Athanasius Schneider and the danger in sharing Schneider’s beliefs leads one to being an accessory

Yoga, Usury, Penance and Patience


This episode of What Catholics Believe covers the following questions:  • When a priest gives penance, does it fully satisfy God’s justice for those sins which were confessed?  • Did Pius XII make a mistake in forming the IOR (The Institute for the Works of Religion)?  • What

1 - 7 of 7 articles