Raising children with "Santa Claus"? Christmas parties during Advent? Meaning of St Matthew 11,12: "the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence?" Our violence toward Christ? Every sin manifest at the General Judgment? Discerning our vocations? How does the Holy Ghost move us? New York and Wisconsin shootings! Come, Holy Ghost…
The election, Our Lady of Fatima "forestalling" evils. Can saints add to the "treasury of merits" of Christ? The meaning of Matthew 11:28: "Come to Me ..." and Hebrews 4:12: "The word of God is living ...". Attending traditional Latin Mass in the New Church: blasphemy and sacrilege? Francis'…
Father will be attending the ordination of Rev. Mr. Michael Butler to the Holy Priesthood at Immaculate Heart Seminary on Tuesday August 27th, so there will be no episode of What Catholics Believe next week. Enjoy this bonus episode in the meantime!
The meaning of: "They shall be created…
The attempted assassination of President Trump: the bizarre facts, the strange questions, and the troubling answers. An "inside job"? Connected to Our Lady's prophetic words at Fatima? The new Republican Party platform: weak on abortion and perversion. The two tools of Leftists/Progressives: lies and violence. Unite the country? Is…
Danger in befriending a sinner: liking vs loving. Can infants have faith to be saved? Voting for a Hindu? Sinéad O'Connor a Thuc "priest"? Contradiction in Athanasian Creed? Francis' false "god of surprises."
This episode was livestreamed on 8/29/23
Easter Duty not possible? Is SSPV alone correct? Satan's fix for Satan's work. Does Holy Ghost choose popes? Modernism's link to Freemasonry. Battle for Ohio! War in Ukraine.
This episode was livestreamed on 8/1/2023
From the Ascension to Pentecost: the Apostles on retreat. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost open our souls to grace. The love of the Father for the Son mirrored in Mary's own. Taylor Marshall's candidacy for president of the United States
This episode was streamed live on 5/23/23
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: • The latest What Catholics Believe show, Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism; Is it sinful to follow a doubtful authority? • Using the spirit of obedience for subversion; • The Impeachment of…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Fr. Joseph Greenwell joins Tom and Fr. Jenkins to discuss the Fourth Joyful Mystery of The Rosary — The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple.
(This episode was filmed on 10 December 2019.)
In this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss the First Mystery of The Rosary — The Annunciation.
(This episode was filmed on 7 July 2019.)
A return to the email inbox on this episode of What Catholics Believe: • If Fr. Jenkins were to write on Open Letter to the SSPX what would he say? • What to make of Our Lady of La Salette and Rome becoming the seat…
A special edition of What Catholics Believe in which Fr. Jenkins comments on Francis’ changing of the translation of the ‘Our Father’ prayer. Why one should also pray for Francis and those he is leading down the road to perdition. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they…