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Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom asks Fr. Jenkins about Dr. Taylor Marshall’s recent video, Can Popes Become Heretics? St Robert Bellarmine Analysis (see links below), which concerns the question, “Whether a heretical Pope can be deposed” as asked and answered by St. Robert Bellarmine in

Francis & the SSPX: Conspiracy of Silence?

This episode of What Catholics Believe begins with a discussion between Tom and Fr. Jenkins concerning the Amazon Synod and the SSPX. The show then reveals new information which has come to light in via a recent interview on with the former president of Una Voce International and

The Pope-pourri of Francis' Memory

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • Francis’ latest lies about the McCarrick/Vigano kerfuffle  • The double-mindedness of some traditional Catholics  • Why knowledge without sanctity is dangerous to one’s soul.


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Wall Street Journal -

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