Saint of the Day

October 22 — St. Mello, Bishop

     St. Mello is said to have been a native of Great Britain; his zeal for the Faith engaged him in the sacred ministry,

Mass of the Day

October 22 - Ferial Day

Introit: Psalms cxxix. 3-4

    If Thou shalt observe iniquities, O Lord, Lord, who shall endure it? for with Thee is propitiation, O God of

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Church v. Galileo? ONE true Church? Veils on women? Naming children? Catholicism and race.

The myth of the persecution of Galileo: Catholic Scientist. Proof that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Jesus Christ. Why do Catholic women wear veils in church? Why name your children after saints? Controversy concerning "race-mixing"? Viganò condemns Francis' anti-Catholic Synod.

This episode was recorded

SSPV Newsletter - September 2024

Copies of the new edition of THE BULLETIN of the Society of Saint Pius V are now available. Read it online or grab a copy from the back of the Church. Click here to view the Newsletter

Holy Mass Livestream

Holy Mass 10/22/24 - Ferial Day


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