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Category Search: voting

Aiding Poor Souls. Adam's parents? Cursillo? Voting as menticide? Francis on Sacred Heart? MAGA Nazis?

How to aid the souls in Purgatory? Did Adam and Eve have parents? Are Cursillo and Charismatic Movement truly Catholic? What is true Catholic Action? A viewer objects to voting, rejects process as "menticide." Francis' encyclical on Sacred Heart: promotes woke agenda? Dems equate Trump to Hitler, MAGA to…

Gromulka: married priests • No vote? • Dating non-Catholic? • Tithing? • Francis' non-papacy

"Fr." Gromulka defends Viganò and married priests. Is not voting a moral option? "In God we trust," all others only by the grace of God. Women in military service? Catholic dating a non-Catholic? Stand firm in Catholic Faith! Catholic parents anxious for fallen-away children? Daily Rosary brings them home…

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