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Category Search: three kings

Santa Claus? Advent parties? Matt. 11,12: violence? Last Judgment? Vocation? Holy Ghost? Shooters? Christmas!

Raising children with "Santa Claus"? Christmas parties during Advent? Meaning of St Matthew 11,12: "the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence?" Our violence toward Christ? Every sin manifest at the General Judgment? Discerning our vocations? How does the Holy Ghost move us? New York and Wisconsin shootings! Come, Holy Ghost…

Rosary Points to Ponder: Praying the Presentation

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Fr. Joseph Greenwell joins Tom and Fr. Jenkins to discuss the Fourth Joyful Mystery of The Rosary — The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple.


(This episode was filmed on 10 December 2019.)

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