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Lent resolutions • Disciples or Apostles? • Questions about Hell • Patenting "intellectual property"

Recusant Catholics? Do Lenten resolutions involve sin? Partying during Lent? Disciples or Apostles? St Mark 13, 32: Does Christ not know the time of His Second Coming? Common cause with Lutherans? How can Satan be in Hell and in the Garden of Eden? How could Christ descend into Hell…

Befriending the sinner • Can infants have faith to be saved? • Vivek Ramaswamy • Sinéad O'Connor

Danger in befriending a sinner: liking vs loving. Can infants have faith to be saved? Voting for a Hindu? Sinéad O'Connor a Thuc "priest"? Contradiction in Athanasian Creed? Francis' false "god of surprises."

This episode was livestreamed on 8/29/23

Teachers plot to gender-transition children • "Pride” month • Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Modern FEDucation: Teachers and administrators plot against parents to gender-transition children. Pride rears its ugly head. Divine Mercy vs Sacred Heart? The real transition: from mortal sin to State of Grace. Importance of devotion to the Sacred Heart

45th Anniversary website for Father Jenkins:

This episode was livestreamed

The power and beauty of Mary's Blessed Motherhood. Jesus Christ asks: Will He find faith on earth when He returns to judge?...

This episode was livestreamed on 16 May 2023.

The power and beauty of Mary's Blessed Motherhood. Jesus Christ asks: Will He find faith on earth when He returns to judge? What then of the Reign of Mary, the Rise and Fall of the Antichrist? Is "manifesting" an occult practice…

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