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Category Search: modesty

Negative modesty? Heliocentric heresy? Christ's siblings? Vote for good! Francis' Soviet Church.

Veils: Is modesty "negative"? Is heliocentrism heresy? Is there a non-Catholic crucifix? Did Mary, the Mother of God, have other children? Hurricane Helene: Donating to "relief organizations? Good Catholic Spanish Bible? Vote for your God-given right to oppose abortion. Francis' Soviet Church of Synodality.

This episode was recorded on

Easter Duty • Is SSPV alone correct? • Holy Ghost chooses popes? • Modernism & Freemasonry

Easter Duty not possible? Is SSPV alone correct? Satan's fix for Satan's work. Does Holy Ghost choose popes? Modernism's link to Freemasonry. Battle for Ohio! War in Ukraine.

This episode was livestreamed on 8/1/2023

March for Life, Catholic feminism, Bp. Mendez

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss and answer emails:  • The recent March for Life in Washington, D.C. focusing on the need for more prayer and modest dress.  • Bishop Mendez  • Why the modernists suppressed many saints in

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