Did Fr Jenkins jump the shark? Olympic blasphemy! Secret service understaffed, Biden hires 73,000 IRS agents. Leftists' new magic word: "weird." Catholic patriotism: how to love a degraded country. Socializing with sinners? Watching Hallmark? The ultimate sinner. Striking one's breast in prayer? Does smoking break Communion fast? Palmarian Church…
Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop Viganò. One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray…
What is "epikeia" and how does it apply? The letter of the law vs. the spirit of the law. Equality vs. equity. Epikeia in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Hierarchy of law. Conservatives respect law; liberals abuse law. The "schism" of Archbishop Viganò: SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre…
What is "the Church?" Taylor Marshall's response to Archbishop Vigano about Francis? Difference between excommunications of Archbishops Lefebvre and Thuc? Did Lefebvre deny papal primacy? "Father, forgive them ...": did Christ forgive everybody, save everyone? How to gain All Souls Day plenary indulgence.
This episode was livestreamed on 10/31/2023