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Category Search: haydock

Santa Claus? Advent parties? Matt. 11,12: violence? Last Judgment? Vocation? Holy Ghost? Shooters? Christmas!

Raising children with "Santa Claus"? Christmas parties during Advent? Meaning of St Matthew 11,12: "the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence?" Our violence toward Christ? Every sin manifest at the General Judgment? Discerning our vocations? How does the Holy Ghost move us? New York and Wisconsin shootings! Come, Holy Ghost…

Creation of the Bible • Did Jesus have a human soul? • The Assumption of Mary • Sanctifying Grace

Parental rights nullified. The brutal logic of abortion and pedophilia. Ohio hangs in the balance. The Crusade of 54-day Rosary Novenas. Why did Church combine books into Bible? Did Jesus have a human soul? How was Assumption in the Rosary before it was dogma? How does Sanctifying Grace make…

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