Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop Viganò. One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray…
Summer retreats and camps. Rome website. Indulgences, penances require praying aloud? Benefits of almsgiving. Prayers of a soul in mortal sin? Did Constantine begin the Roman Catholic Church? Fr Sanborn, Bishop Mendez and the 1990 ordinations. Fr Ripperger, Taylor Marshall and papal power to change Mass. Pray for SSPX…
What is "the Church?" Taylor Marshall's response to Archbishop Vigano about Francis? Difference between excommunications of Archbishops Lefebvre and Thuc? Did Lefebvre deny papal primacy? "Father, forgive them ...": did Christ forgive everybody, save everyone? How to gain All Souls Day plenary indulgence.
This episode was livestreamed on 10/31/2023
Fr Cekada's attack on Bishop Mendez: Bishop "Lili"? If humility is admitting sinfulness, then how can Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother be humble?
This episode was livestreamed on 9/5/2023
Easter Duty not possible? Is SSPV alone correct? Satan's fix for Satan's work. Does Holy Ghost choose popes? Modernism's link to Freemasonry. Battle for Ohio! War in Ukraine.
This episode was livestreamed on 8/1/2023
Confused Catholics: Hold Fast to Catholic Tradition! CMRI and SSPX: traditional or compromised? SSPV: Are non-sedevacantists allowed? Invalid priests cannot absolve: Is there forgiveness? Vernacular Mass in 1940's? Should gloves come off at ordinations?
This episode was livestreamed on 7/18/2023
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss: Fr. Michael Johnson’s Remnant Newspaper article, Carthago delenda est! (So, what about Vatican II?). • Can one reject the Novus Ordo church based off of its fruits? • Is is a great deal to ask lay people…
On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins answers viewers question: • What is the sacramental policy of the SSPV/CSPV? • What does the Church teach concerning Romans 11:26? • Handling depression and despair. • Praying and meditating on the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.