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Category Search: St. Robert Bellarmine

Bp. Schneider on heretic pope. Coronavirus threat, The root of the problem.

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • Why paying attention to Pope Francis is important for traditional Catholics.  • The explosion of recent media articles on a heretical pope.  • The crisis of conscience among Catholics in the Novus

Bellarmine on Councils, Doubtful “Obedience,” 3rd Secret of Fatima


On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • St. Robert Bellarmine’s On Councils,  • Brief remarks on Francis’ ‘Querida Amazonia’.  • Does one having doubt concerning the pontiff separate one from the Church?   • What exactly is meant

Impeaching a Pope? & Catholic Tradition in Times of Crisis

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss:  • The latest What Catholics Believe show, Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism;  Is it sinful to follow a doubtful authority?  • Using the spirit of obedience for subversion;   • The Impeachment of

Response to Taylor Marshall on Bellarmine & Sedevacantism

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom asks Fr. Jenkins about Dr. Taylor Marshall’s recent video, Can Popes Become Heretics? St Robert Bellarmine Analysis (see links below), which concerns the question, “Whether a heretical Pope can be deposed” as asked and answered by St. Robert Bellarmine in

Raising socialists; God allows heretical popes?

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss two articles:  • ‘Reasons Today's Kids Are Bored, Entitled, Impatient with Few Real Friends’ and • ‘Could God permit a heretical pope to remain in office, and why would He?’ by Peter Kwasniewski

(This episode

Be Not Troubled & Self Abandonment

On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins:  • Examine an article that appeared in Crux News (link below)  • Recommend reading the book, Abandonment to Divine Providence by Rev. Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade.  • Contrast the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church with the inverted Francis’ Novus Ordo


On this episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins talked about several related subjects including:  • Benedict XVI’s recent letter ‘The Church and the scandal of sexual abuse’  • What is ‘SEDENEGANTISM’?  • Cardinal Parolin’s interview, ‘Pope Francis sees China as great country, says cardinal’, with the

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