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Category Search: Purgative way

Spiritual hardships? • Why do bad things happen to good people? • Catholic healthcare • St. Gabriel

Are spiritual hardships punishments or blessings from God? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do bad people prosper while the good suffer? What to do when a co-worker challenges your faith and you don't know how to respond? Calling Protestant ministers "pastor"? A Catholic health care…

Francis denounces true Catholic Faith • Michael Matt cancels Viganò • St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

Viganò's Speech:

Francis denounces true Catholic Faith as false "ideology" - prelude to persecution? Old Church must give way to new Synodal Church. Michael Matt cancels Archbishop Viganò talk  about Francis as "enemy of the Church," Vatican II as cancer. Wonderful sanctity of St. Theresa of the Child

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