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Category Search: Kamala Harris

Poor in spirit? Americanism? Didache. Men's choirs. Great Monarch? No cardinals? Here lies the DNC.

Blessed are the poor in spirit: Work for prosperity, pray for detachment. How to know if you're "attached" to the world. Americanism and Vatican II: active vs. passive virtues. Read the Didache. Men's voices in church choirs. Holzhauser prophecy: the Great Monarch and the Angelic Shepherd. Creating cardinals? Demagogues

Viewers object. Olympic blasphemy. SS loses, IRS gains. New leftist buzzword: weird. Catholic patriotism.

Did Fr Jenkins jump the shark? Olympic blasphemy! Secret service understaffed, Biden hires 73,000 IRS agents. Leftists' new magic word: "weird." Catholic patriotism: how to love a degraded country. Socializing with sinners? Watching Hallmark? The ultimate sinner. Striking one's breast in prayer? Does smoking break Communion fast? Palmarian Church…

Why "Father" Williamson but "Archbishop" Viganò? One-hand ordination? Annulment and adultery. Saving Trump.

Fr Jenkins "inconsistency" in referring to Fr Williamson, Fr Sanborn and Archbishop Viganò. One-hand ordinations. Legalism? Validity of sacraments is paramount. Our trip to Munich. Where to get a marriage annulment? N.O. annulments and adultery. Trump's deliverance: multiple shooters? Woman with the phone camera? DEI - programmed disaster. Pray…

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