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Category Search: Holy Week

Tenebrae & Holy Week • What is "holiness"? • Is everyone called to sanctity? • Is Christ King?

Tenebrae - The Office of "Darknesses".  The spirit of Holy Week expressed in its ancient ceremonies. The 1955 modernists' revised rites of Holy Week. When did Satan realize Christ defeated Him? What is "holiness"? Is everyone called to sanctity? Sanctity in married life? Controversy erupts among "conservatives" - Is…

The Office of Tenebrae

Tenebræ is the name given to the service of Matins and Lauds belonging to the last three days of Holy Week.

The Office of these three days was treated as a sort of funeral service, or dirge, commemorating the death of Jesus Christ. It is natural also that, since

Tuesday in Holy Week

Today, again, our Saviour sets out in the morning for Jerusalem. His intention is to repair to the temple, and continue His yesterday's teachings. It is evident that His mission on earth is fast drawing to its close. He says to His disciples: "You know that after two days shall…