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Category Search: Great Western Schism

Demonic possession & obsession • Prayer to St Michael • Vatican II a non-binding "pastoral council"?

Can the devil take possession of souls in the state of grace? What is demonic oppression?  Temptation is Satan's most lethal attack. Can a lay person exorcise a demon? Versions of prayer to St Michael the Archangel? Heroic Act for the Poor Souls? Vatican II as a non-binding "pastoral…

Francis denounces true Catholic Faith • Michael Matt cancels Viganò • St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

Viganò's Speech:

Francis denounces true Catholic Faith as false "ideology" - prelude to persecution? Old Church must give way to new Synodal Church. Michael Matt cancels Archbishop Viganò talk  about Francis as "enemy of the Church," Vatican II as cancer. Wonderful sanctity of St. Theresa of the Child

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