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Category Search: Constantine

Constantine & the Roman Catholic Church • Mendez 1990 ordinations • Fr Ripperger & Taylor Marshall

Summer retreats and camps. Rome website. Indulgences, penances require praying aloud? Benefits of almsgiving. Prayers of a soul in mortal sin? Did Constantine begin the Roman Catholic Church? Fr Sanborn, Bishop Mendez and the 1990 ordinations. Fr Ripperger, Taylor Marshall and papal power to change Mass. Pray for SSPX…

Saints for OUR times: The 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Ignatius Loyola

On this Lenten episode of What Catholics Believe, Tom and Fr. Jenkins discuss the following spiritual edifying topics:  • The Forty Holy Martyrs of Sebaste  • St. Ignatius Loyola and the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)    St. Thomas Aquinas  • Words of advice for

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