Treating Your Children to "Helloween"

     Toward the end of the Vatican Museum tour that takes one through the Sistine Chapel, visitors to Rome can pass through a couple of rooms dedicated to the “art” collected by Paul VI (1963-1978). When one looks at the horrible, twisted and distorted figures of Our Lord and the saints, it is easy to see the wellsprings of Paul VI’s new “mass” and new sacraments. Only warped and perverted minds could produce and appreciate as “art” such warped, tortured and twisted figures.

The same could well be said of the new doors on Saint Peter’s Basilica. Both leaders, now styled “saints,” of the modernist revolution, who imposed the New Order, John XXIII and Paul VI, had the venerable and elegant old doors of the basilica replaced with modern works which are downright hideous, covered with figures which are repulsive mockeries of the saints and martyrs of the Church. There is solid evidence that these artworks originally featured Masonic emblems and symbols, but that these were removed when scandalized Catholics protested.

One need only take a gander at the monumental portrait of Paul VI executed in the Vatican by Ernst Gȕnter Hansing to be utterly horrified by the cult of ugliness embodied in the novus ordo and by the implications of the wreckage depicted in this work, which Paul VI said accurately represented the condition of the Church in our time: he said the portrait was “a mirror of the situation in the Church today.” This is all the more shocking when we realize that Paul VI is depicted at the bottom of the picture as a satanic figure, clutching a dagger dripping blood, with columns and pillars of Saint Peter’s Basilica smashed and toppling around him.

If we ourselves reject the cult of ugliness in the modernist church, how can we cultivate a fascination with ugliness and twistedness in the minds and lives of our children? How can we justify such an awful thing? We encourage the cult of the weird, the distorted, the deranged, the vicious and even the satanic in the minds of our children by the way we allow them to celebrate Halloween. For us Catholics, Halloween is All Hallows Eve, the day of fast and abstinence as the vigil of a holy day of obligation, All Saints Day. We must not allow the Satanists to fill our minds or the minds of our children with hellish thoughts of ghouls and ghosts and zombies and vampires and all sorts of evil things. Even the literal idea of “trick or treat” is not a notion we want in our children’s minds, as though they were little gangsters running a protection racket. King’s Island “Fright Night” is no place for our children. It is a glorification and celebration of the weird and the wicked. And yet parents will allow their teenagers to join in such events with hundreds of other teenagers of every description from who knows where, unsupervised by parents or other genuine adults, to go where they please and talk to whomever they please, and to be talked to by whomever from wherever. The kids are on their own in such surroundings. The haunted houses or houses of horror (or whatever they’re called now) have become absolutely demonic — veritable visits to Hell. What kind of parents would condone such things? What kind of Catholics would endorse such things?

At Fatima in July of 1917, Our Blessed Mother showed the children a vision of Hell. This sight horrified the children, but the graces given to them enabled them to respond to it by praying and sacrificing to save the souls of poor sinners who were on their way to damnation. But the terrible sights and sounds that engulf our children in these places of amusement for deranged maniacs will not move them to pray and sacrifice for sinful souls. Would we want our children to enjoy the scene of a mass shooting in a school or a shopping mall? Then why would we allow them to consider it recreation to wander through the horrors of a simulated torture chamber—the more realistic the better — and consider it fun? Do we allow our children to experience these horrific scenes to prepare them for the butchery committed by the terrorists of “radical Islam”? If we would not allow our children to freely wander among the piles of headless bodies in the streets of Mosul or Kobani, then why would we cheerfully send them off with their friends to the local house of horrors? The Muslims are waving severed human heads in front of their own children in order to encourage their little terrorists to enjoy the sight; are we any better than they when we pay for our children to get a good view of some deranged goon merrily thrusting a severed head at them in an amusement park?

Please don’t allow your children’s minds and hearts to be infected with the savagery of the demons’ perversion of All Hallows Eve, any more than you would want them ever to experience the horror of a mass shooting or the brutality of Islamic jihad. Celebrate All Hallows Eve as Catholics. Keep the vigil’s fast and abstinence. Hold a costume party for little saints on or near All Saints Day. And follow that with a prayerful and blessed All Souls Day.