The Foundation of Catholic Belief

     Belief in the Most Blessed Trinity of Persons in God is the fundamental belief of Christianity. We have the certitude of Divine Faith that God is indeed the Father Who has from all eternity engendered a Son Who is His perfect image -- His Divine Word. We know that from the infinitely powerful mutual Love of the Father and Son, there proceeds a third Divine Person, the Holy Ghost. The Divine Son had personally entered this world by becoming man - Our Lord Jesus Christ -- so that He might make reparation to the Father for the sins of mankind and, in doing so, redeem all men and save many. The Divine Son, having completed this mission, has ascended into Heaven where the human nature of His Divine Person is glorified. He also has sent into the world a third Divine Person, the Holy Ghost. He is the Spirit of Truth and the Sanctifier, Who works in the souls of men to complete the work the divine Son has begun. Just as we are all created in the image of this Blessed Trinity of Divine Persons, we are all created to share their Divine Life forever in Heaven.