A Church without Scandals...?

     An argument used against the Catholic Church is this: "We know that the Catholic Church cannot be the church founded by Jesus Christ because of all the scandals in her history." The Pharisees used a similar argument against Christ Himself when they criticized and rejected Him because He associated with sinners. But Our Lord answered that He had come to sinners and for sinners: "For I came not to call the just, but sinners." (St. Mark 2, 17 and St. Matthew 9, 13) and His parables show that in the "Kingdom of God" which He called His Church there would be sinners. And wherever there are sinners, there will inevitably be scandals: "For it must needs be that scandals come..." (St. Matthew 18, 7) "It is impossible that scandals not come..." (St. Luke 17, 1). The only way to prevent there being scandals would be to exclude sinners from the Church—but then it could not be the Church founded by Christ.